Tuesday, November 29, 2016

feelin' yourself (self empowerment)

hey guys!!!

happy (late) thanksgiving! it was really nice to have a week off from school + work, like WOW i needed that! i just wanted to say that i'll probably make a sparate blog about thanksgiving and photos and what i'm thankful for coming soon because i took A TON of photos over break. BUUUUUUUTTTTTT


i wanted to discuss and share a shoot i did a couple weeks ago because i finally edited everything! lol. the shoot was basically portraits of our SF youth but it honestly ended up me taking like about 5 really beautiful photos for each of my friends who modeled! a lot of them are empowering and remind me that it's okay to lift yourself up and get a little narcissistic. it's totally okay to "feel yourself". i think we all need to have those days where you're like "HELLA YA I'M A BADDIE" 

anyways -- don't feel ashamed to take a couple random selfies of yourself or if you put on THOSE pants because you know how good your butt looks in them. you're cute.

thanks for reading!
all the love,
m xx

(side note: i decided that for each blog at the end of the beginning note i would add a song + film that i'm enjoying right now)

🎵 solo by frank ocean
🎥 20th century women


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