Tuesday, November 29, 2016

feelin' yourself (self empowerment)

hey guys!!!

happy (late) thanksgiving! it was really nice to have a week off from school + work, like WOW i needed that! i just wanted to say that i'll probably make a sparate blog about thanksgiving and photos and what i'm thankful for coming soon because i took A TON of photos over break. BUUUUUUUTTTTTT


i wanted to discuss and share a shoot i did a couple weeks ago because i finally edited everything! lol. the shoot was basically portraits of our SF youth but it honestly ended up me taking like about 5 really beautiful photos for each of my friends who modeled! a lot of them are empowering and remind me that it's okay to lift yourself up and get a little narcissistic. it's totally okay to "feel yourself". i think we all need to have those days where you're like "HELLA YA I'M A BADDIE" 

anyways -- don't feel ashamed to take a couple random selfies of yourself or if you put on THOSE pants because you know how good your butt looks in them. you're cute.

thanks for reading!
all the love,
m xx

(side note: i decided that for each blog at the end of the beginning note i would add a song + film that i'm enjoying right now)

🎵 solo by frank ocean
🎥 20th century women


Sunday, November 6, 2016

what's fogging up your life

hello all!

happy november --- fall is among us and i think it's time to reflect on 'falling'. falling behind on things? falling in love? falling into an ocean of emotions? falling into new routines? you find out! i think fall is a good way for me to overcome some things i fall behind on. i fall behind in my emotional care, in schoolwork, in relationships, and in my hobbies all the time. if you constantly try to commit to too much and end up spreading yourself thin, then a fog of stress and emotional instability could fall over you. it's hard to catch up as well. it takes recognizing your failures and growth. be gentle to yourself and determine what's your priorities and manage small tasks to get them done. if you have to motivate yourself to get things done, then write a check-list out. validate that you're trying and accomplishing things, from taking a shower to finishing math homework. it's time to clear the fog!

for those who read this: thanks for reading.

til next time,
