Wednesday, October 5, 2016


get to know 'me'

well, hello! we made it to my second post! that's a big accomplishment for me tbh because I have a fear of commitment (woah already getting to know me)...but I'm glad I'm here! I act as though "here" is some sort of location even tho I'm in my room listening to Frankie Cosmos at almost 2am lol. okay so I'm going off topic AGAIN so let's get to know 'me'! I promise this wont be awkward for anyone except me WOOHOO...

I'm a college film student in san frantastic, california and I'm living the 'teen dream'! I have friends, a creative platform, and lots of fun things to do!!! I'm in love with this city and in love with the person I'm growing into, however, I have a lot to work on. I need to work on mostly internal things which is emo and sappy so I probably wont discuss that but I think I need to work on being comfortable with being uncomfortable. does that make sense? I barely understand it!! I think I just have to give myself a break and realize life isn't just kittens and rainbows (sometimes it is, depending on where in Golden Gate Park you are) and that it's okay to fuck up. I'm constantly changing too. and I'm scared of never being the same.

that was a really emo paragraph so let me lighten that up...with random things about me!

I'm a photographer actually who enjoys writing poems, reading horror novels, eating boba, making zines, attending concerts, kissing their friends, and watching film. I love thai food and I hate jell-o. my last name is spooky. I collect pins!! my favorite films are the shining, rush hour 1-3, harold and maude, and butch cassidy and the sundance kid. my favorite band is the 1975 and my favorite solo artist is kendrick lamar. I love incense and I'm a leo. I love developing film even tho it's so expensive. I make salads for a living. I own a black lab. I'm latinx and had a hard time identifying this in the past due to my looks.

okay that was kind of it! sorry if it's anti-climatic or idk...I need to stop apologizing so much lol. anyways, thanks for reading (or for skimming because same). my next post shall actually start the theme of this blog I swear!!!!

   m  xx

attached is a photo of me!!!!!!!! I hope the stalkers will dig it xoxo

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

first things first...


so...I've been telling myself for about 5 months that I need to be productive and here I am! I've always wanted to create a blog but 1) I was too lazy to try, 2) I didn't know what to 'blog' about and 3) I was scared no one would read it. here's what I decided: I need to stop being lazy (most) of the time, I'll just blog about vulnerability (I'll explain later), and I shouldn't care about other people's approvals when creating a blog for myself and my growth.

(that was really long and unnecessary to explain why I'm here lmao)

anyways, I'm just going to wing it and try this blog out.

I'm excited to center this blog around the theme of "vulnerability is power" that has recently become a major theme in my own life. I'm also excited to be creative and represent that theme through my words and photography. I'll most likely start with intro to vulnerability and what it means to me post soon!

let's fucking do it!

here's how it's gonna go:

  • I'm just going to write casually (I would say like a 'diary' but there's a negative connotation around that word) about my life while incorporating the theme
  • I'll probably post weekly (or try to)
  • It's not going to be very serious (unless otherwise written in a post) so try not to take this so seriously
that's pretty much it! hopefully whoever does happen to stumble upon here enjoys it because I'll definitely be posting about my life which is somewhat entertaining. I'll be posting a "creator's get-to-know-me" post first so look out for that. thanks for reading! 

all the love,
   m xx

PS. big thank you to miranda for inspiring me to do this :~)